Software developer II
Developing solutions for Virtual Sample Management Inventory, working with clinical data processing in R environment.

Self development
Constantly growing and learning new stuff
2021 - onwards
MNM diagnostics
Junior software developer (XI.2021 - VI.2022)
Software developer (VII.2022 - II.2023)
Working with Whole genome sequencing, cancer tumor descriptors, rna-seq, bioinformatics tools development documentation, automatic testing and pipeline executions on AWS cloud infrastructure with gitOps strategy.

Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling at University of Warsaw
HEAP Metagenomics Pipelines
Metagenomics pipelines evaluation on HPC cluster (Okeanos) at ICM UW - trainee project

Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling at University of Warsaw
Omics Data Science course postgraduate
Bioinformatics and analysis of high throughput biomedical data
X.2019 – III.2020
Children's Health Memorial Institute in Warsaw
Junior Assistant Biotechnologist / Bioinformatician
NGS target panel data analytics & processing, rare disease genetics
V.2019 – IX.2021
Aflofarm Poland drug manufacturing plant in Ksawerów
Junior Laboratory Analyst
X.2018 – XII.2018Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG&MUG
Trainee in Laboratory of Protein Biochemistry
Extraction of recombinant E.coli proteins.
VII.2018 - VIII.2018Senate of the Lodz University of Technology
Faculty of biotechnology council member, university senate member
X.2017 – XII.2018Lodz University of Technology
Biotechnology engineerirng I graduate
Graduated with engineer diploma with specialization in technical biochemistry.
X.2015 - II.2019